About Us

Welcome to Saiansh Group

Dear Travel Partner,

We are DMC for Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Dubai, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Australia and New Zealand. We are purely in to B2B service provider. We are service provider in ground in said country. We are Tour Operators across pan India and couldn't have been happier with the targeted turnout. 
We can cater best of service in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Dubai, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Australia and New Zealand. We are specialized in FIT, GIT, MICE and large Group Movements, Wedding Group, Adventure & Religious Tours, Customization of Packages is also our Forte and cater to the varied needs ranging from the budgets of the clients. Our offices are specializes in Ground Handling Movement in all above said destinations. We are involved in the large movements for Corporates related to MICE, Events and we have experienced and well trained local guide and manager for handling large corporate groups.
Additionally, if you have any further questions or inquiries regarding their destinations, hotels & attractions, please feel free to reach out to us at below mail id and contact details.

Request you to kindly forward all the inquiries for the following countries to 
Mr .Ravi Sumra – CEO : ravi@saianshgroup : + 91 9833360601 / 8879940551

Mr. Multazim Patel – General Manager : sales@saianshgroup.com : +91 9322005782 

We look forward to hear soon from you and seeking an opportunity to work together.

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